Innovating Education on a Large Scale: What, Why, and How

May 01, 2019 4:00pm
MIT Campus
MIT Community

In 2016, the Delft University of Technology decided to start innovating mathematics courses for engineers. Basic courses in Calculus, Linear Algebra and Probability & Statistics were redesigned in order to increase student activity, improve study results, and enhance transfer from maths to engineering. In this talk Annoesjka Cabo, the project leader of PRIME (Programme Innovation Mathematics Education) will explain the workflow chosen, show some of the material, share lessons learned, and present results obtained so far. She will also show that in order to embed the changes in a sustainable and scalable way, use and reuse of educational material is crucial, and hence a lively community of lecturers is indispensable.

Annoesjka Cabo is associate professor in Statistics at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics at the faculty of EEMCS (Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science). She is the director of studies of interfaculty education. Since the beginning of February 2019 she is also the academic director of the Teaching Academy at TU Delft. She won the second prize at the national Henk Dekker innovation award.