Open Learning offers a variety of grant opportunities for MIT faculty. These grants can be used to develop online learning offerings for MIT students and global learners; fund projects to improve education outside of MIT, including pK-12 education, higher education, and workplace learning; or for other research purposes. View the complete list of grants below:

MITx Modules Grant ProgramModule offerings on the edX platform to be used at MIT and offered GloballyFall: early September Spring: mid-SpringFall: early November
Spring: mid-April
MITx Express Exploration ProgramTargeted innovations on the edX platform to be used at MIT and globallyFall: early September Spring: mid-SpringFall: early November
Spring: mid-April
Jameel World Education Lab Education Innovation GrantsTo address teaching and learning across the life cycle, from pK-12 to higher education to workforce learningOnce per year
Mid-December - Early February