Science of Remote Learning

Office of Digital Learning
Science of Remote Learning
Aaron Kessler
Digital Innovations & Tools
Remote Teaching

The following document was created as a resource for those working on developing, implementing, and engaging in remote teaching and learning. One goal of this work is to provide a starting point for transitioning away from emergency online instruction in response to COVID-19 toward increasingly effective remote learning. This resource is written in plain language to be broadly applicable to professional educators and non-professionals; teams designing remote learning experiences, people supporting at-home learning (mostly parents) and learners. While we do not believe this document provides a single best process for creating and supporting online learning - learning is a deeply contextual process that requires attention to the needs of learners in your context- our hope is that in considering the strategies contained within, grounded in research based principles, you can iteratively improve and support remote learners and learning. 

Read The Science of Remote Learning

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