Sketch Tool in Mathematics

Mathematics (Course 18)
Jennifer French
Martin Segado
Digital Innovations & Tools
Active Learning
Adaptive Hinting
Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom

Sketching graphs and curves is a important part of the process of learning calculus. Traditionally MIT students hand in their work to TAs and there is a delay before receiving comments and grades.

Dr Jennifer French and Martin Segado designed the calculus Sketch Tool that automatically grades student graphs and sketches, and thus provides immediate feedback. This, in turn, frees TAs from the time they would spend grading. The Sketch Tool is scalable and used in the MOOC version of the course.

A digital app that runs inside the MITx platform, the Sketch Tool allows students to hand draw curves and graphs. The tool smooths out student drawing and uses complex algorithms to interpret a sketch to determine whether not it falls within the correct ranges and limits.