Free online courses from 13 of MIT’s #1 undergraduate programs
By Katherine Ouellette
MIT’s undergraduate engineering program placed first in U.S. News & World Report’s 2024–25 rankings of the best colleges and universities in the country. The Institute also ranked number one in six engineering specialties, four computer science specialties, and three business specialties. Through MIT Open Learning, anyone in the world can take free online courses in these top subjects.
Try engineering courses
Aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering
- Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight
- Engineering the Space Shuttle
- Private Pilot Ground School
- Unified Engineering: Materials and Structures
- Visual Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles
Chemical engineering
- Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion
- Math Boot Camp for Engineers
- Analysis of Transport Phenomena
Computer engineering
Electrical/electronic/communication engineering
- Circuits and Electronics
- Electromagnetic Energy: From Motors to Lasers
- Signals, Systems, and Inference
- Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems
Materials engineering
- Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry on MITx or OpenCourseWare
- Fundamentals of Photovoltaics
- Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Materials
- Organic and Biomaterials Chemistry: An Introduction to Polymer Chemistry
- Thermodynamics of Materials on MITx or OpenCourseWare
- Cellular Solids
- The Iterative Innovation Process
- Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Part 1): Linear Elastic Behavior
- Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Part 2): Stress Transformations, Beams, Columns, and Cellular Solids
- Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Part 3): Time Dependent Behavior and Failure
- MICRO Mentoring Resources and Materials Science Curriculum
- Structural Materials: Selection and Economics
- Structure of Materials
Read about five materials science jobs and how MIT courses can help launch your career.
Mechanical engineering
- Advanced Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals
- Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes
- Mechanics and Materials I
- Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos
- Thermodynamics and Climate Change
- Thermal-fluids Engineering 1: Basics of Thermodynamics and Hydrostatics
- Wheelchair Design in Developing Countries
Try computer science courses
- Making a Cell Therapy: Principles and Practice of Manufacturing
- The Science and Business of Biotechnology
- Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics
Computer systems
Programming languages
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
- Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
- Intro to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
- Introductory Programming Course Collection on OpenCourseWare
- Understanding the World through Data
Try business courses
Business analytics
Production/operations management
Quantitative analysis
These courses are available through MITx and MIT OpenCourseWare, which are part of MIT Open Learning. MITx offers high-quality massive open online courses adapted from the MIT classroom for learners worldwide. MIT OpenCourseWare offers free, online, open educational resources from more than 2,500 courses that span the MIT undergraduate and graduate curriculum.
Adapted from a Sept. 24, 2024 MIT News article.
Free online courses from 13 of MIT’s #1 undergraduate programs was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.